Sandwich, IL Asphalt Contractor

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Sandwich, IL Asphalt Contractor

Shamblin Paving is a paving contractor that has been serving the community for over 15 years. We offer asphalt paving, sealcoating, and asphalt repair services to residential and commercial clients in Sandwich, IL. If you are looking for an experienced paving contractor to take care of your needs, then give us a call at 630-361-5490.

Sandwich Commercial Asphalt Contractor

We can help with parking lot paving in Sandwich, IL as well as other commercial pavement projects like walkways, driveways or pedestrian crossings. Our commercial clients range from small businesses, HOA, property management companies and government agencies. An asphalt parking lot can last for up to 20-30 years if adequately maintained with sealcoating and asphalt repairs.

Parking Lot Installation

Installing a new parking lot is a large and costly project. There are many details that need to be addressed before a new parking lot can be installed.

The process for installing an asphalt parking lot is not too complicated. Here are the steps needed:

  1. Grading - To ensure a smooth base and water is diverted to the proper place.
  2. Preparing the Subbase. Depending on the soil conditions will dictate the size and depth of the aggregate we use.
  3. Binder & Surface Course - In most cases, we will lay multiple layers of asphalt to build a parking lot to stand heavy traffic loads
  4. Final Roll for maximum compaction
  5. Striping and markings

Asphalt Overlay

Sometimes, overlays are the best option for surface distress due to minor cracks.

Asphalt overlays provide both structural support for the parking lot as well as provide support for heavier loads. Installing an asphalt overlay will improve the surface's slope and smoothness.

Benefits of an overlay:

  1. It can be done in sections so it will not disrupt your business as much 
  2. Requires less time and manpower to install
  3. More cost-effective then full replacement

Full Parking Lot Replacement

The average life span of a parking lot is 20-30 years. However, this number can very greatly based on the traffic and ongoing maintenance of the parking lot. If the subbase has become damaged by deep potholes, deeps cracks or alligator cracking, this is a sign you might need to do a full parking lot replacement.

A full replacement is the same as a new installation, except the old asphalt is removed and repairs are done to the subbase.

Sandwich Parking Lot Sealcoating Company

Sealcoating your parking lot is a great way to protect your asphalt from the harsh effects of weather and chemicals. The sealant also helps to prevent cracking of the pavement due to thermal expansion or contraction. Your lot should be sealcoated every 2-3 years to keep your asphalt in the best condition.

Sealcoating asphalt slows down the oxidation of the asphalt. Oxidation causes the binders to dry out and causes the asphalt to become brittle. The binders in asphalt are what helps the pavement to maintain its strength and elasticity. Sealcoating also provides protection for any small surface cracks that may have formed on your lot through the natural aging of the asphalt.

Parking Lot Striping in Sandwich, IL

Faded and missing parking lot stripes and handicap markings can be dangerous. It is essential that parking lots have both strips and the ADA-required markings for disabled drivers so everyone is safe and to limit your liability.

A well-striped parking lot can be organized to maximize space, ease traffic flow, and keep drivers and pedestrians safe. At Shamblin Paving, parking lot striping is our specialty!

Sandwich Pothole Repair

Potholes are created by cracks in the asphalt that are deep enough to allow water into the crack. The water seeps under the asphalt and freezes, causing it to heave up in one area. This process repeats over time--ice-melt from snow or rain melts away then refreezes--causing the pothole deeper and larger each year until eventually, they become too large for patching.

To fix a single pothole, we will cut out a square around the pothole. If there are any issues with the subbase, they will be addressed at that time. New asphalt will be laid in the hole and then compacted. A properly repaired pothole should last the remainder of the parking lot or driveway.

Asphalt Crack Sealer

A crack in asphalt pavement is an ugly sight. But it's not only the eye-sore that should concern you; cracks can also be a safety hazard for those near and on them, like vehicles or pedestrians.

Constant exposure to the wet soil and freezing winter temperatures cause cracks in the pavement that haven't been sealed before to keep getting worse with time. The excess moisture seeping through asphalt can lead to a much more serious problem than simply an unsightly crack - it could become hazardous for people on foot as well!

You don't need to worry about your parking lot or driveway deteriorating over time with the help of our experts. We have high-quality hot rubber sealant that will last for many years and keep your pavement looking great!

commercial paving on a parking lotaspahlt-repair-1asphalt reapirdetached garage with new asphalt approachmontgomery-parking-lot-sealcoating
driveway that has been repavednew drivewayNew Asphalt Driveway

Sandwich Driveway Paving

Your driveway is the first thing that people see when they come to your home. It's the first impression, and you want it to be a good one. With a new asphalt driveway, your home will be safer for children and pets to play on. A new asphalt driveway will increase your home's value.

We have been installing driveways for over 15 years and from our experience, asphalt is by far the best driveway material available today.

The benefits of an asphalt driveway are numerous: it looks great year-round; with proper installation, this type of paving will last at least 25+ years with proper maintenance; more cost-effective than concrete.

Sandwich, IL Driveway Sealcoating Company

Sealcoating your driveway is an important step to lengthen the life of your driveway. Depending on traffic and weather, you should seal coat your driveway every 2-3 years.

Sealcoating provides a protective layer against oxidation, surface cracking, and asphalt deterioration. When the oxidized asphalt becomes brittle, it breaks away from its base material (the aggregate). This leads to costly repairs. It also helps protect against water intrusion into the pavement, which can lead to bigger problems during the freeze-thaw cycles.

Why Choose Shamblin Paving?

When you choose Shamblin, you're selecting a reputable company and skilled in paving, sealcoating, and asphalt maintenance. We have been doing this for more than 15 years!

We can help with your driveway sealcoating or any other paving services around your home or business.

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Serivce Area

We service the entire Denver Metro area and the surrounding communities. Below is a partial list of cities outside of Denver that we service. If your city is not listed, please contact us.

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